Islamabad, the 26th February, 2005.
S.R.O.209(I)/2005.- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 195 C of the Customs Act,1969 ( IV of 1969 ), the Central Board of Revenue is pleased to direct that the following amendments shall be made in its Notification No.S.R.O.888(I)/2004, dated the 30th October, 2004, namely:-
In the aforesaid Notification, in the first column, - (a) serial Nos,2, 19 & 30 and entries relating thereto in the second column shall be omitted; and (b) after serial No.45 and the entries relating thereto in the second column, the following new serial numbers and the entries relating thereto shall be added, namely:-
“46. Mr. Babar Bashir Nawaz, Businessman.
5th Floor PNSC Building, M.T. Khan Road, Karachi,
47. Mr. Suleman Chawla, Businessman.
C/o Alpha Containers Ind: F 194, SITE, Karachi,
48. Col: ® Bashir Ahmed Nadim.
Lasbela Industrial Estate Development Authority,
LIEDA Office Building HITE Hub, Lasbela.
Tel:0853-303361-2 Fax:0853-303320
49. Mr. Kamaludin Ahmed, Businessman.
Razi Brothers, Opposite Islamabad Hotel,
Jinnah Road, Quetta. Tel:081-836483, 0333-7809663.
50. Mr. Sadbar Jan, Advocate.
1-25/20, Opposite Fateh Khan Market,
Upper Storey Al Fatch Medical Hall,
Jinnah Road, Quetta. Tel:081-825095.
51. Mr. Ebrahim Panwala, Businessman.
M. Ebrahim and Sons, Amin Market,
Qazi Usman Road, Sulman Street,
Karachi. Tel:021-2438942-43, 2436638.
52. Mr. Aziz Damji, Businessman.
Agree Side (Pvt.) Limited, Trade Centre,
BC-3, Kehkashan, Block 9, Clifton,
Karachi. Tel:021-5866137-9.
53. Mr. Zubair Habib, Businessman.
Union Industries (Pvt.) Limited,
B-46, S.I.T.E., Karachi. Tel:021-2570114-17.
54. Mr. Muhammad Zahid Saeed, Businessman.
Improvement Trust, Plaza Building, Fatima Jinnah Road,
[C.No.1(2)Cus. Jud/2004 (P-IV)- ………./2005]